So many companies are trying to save expenses by taking their photo and advertising projects in-house.


So many workers are assigned to assemble a studio, then to photograph their company’s products or services for the website, catalog, or company brochure.


So many  staff members are in charge of thousands of dollars of photographic tools, with little, or no clue how to use them...


Are YOU one of the many, who has been...


Forced Into Photography?


Learn Lighting!

You may have the latest and the  greatest camera ever made, but it’s not great enough, if your photos are flat. Photography is a two-dimensional medium. The only way to convey DEPTH is with effective lighting techniques.

I Can Teach You


If you are in the New York, New Jersey, Connecticut area, or plan to be here, I can instruct you and your fellow workers in your workplace, in the realms of strobe, constant (tungsten) lighting, beginning with the basics.  Even if you have had previous experience with photography, I can help you to create more effective photographs.


If you are outside this area, I am willing to travel. Either way, contact me, and we can assess your equipment and lighting requirements.